Anton Rosenberg, the former director of special projects at the instant messaging service Telegram, is convinced that Pavel Durov is not someone who places a high value on civil liberties.
Durov and Rosenberg have previously worked closely together, as in addition to working at Telegram, Rosenberg was also the technical director of VKontakte, the social network founded by Durov. In a lengthy interview, the programmer revealed previously unknown facts about the owner of one of the world's most popular instant messaging services.
Interviewer: After Pavel Durov's arrest in Paris, many wrote that Telegram's principled refusal to cooperate with any country's intelligence services would inevitably lead to problems. Do you agree with this?
Anton Rosenberg: As a friend of mine said: I wish I could be as wise as my wife in hindsight. Just three days ago, no one predicted such a scenario. After all, there are all sorts of other ways to apply pressure. Telegram's main data center is located in Amsterdam. One could simply go there and seize everything. They could block IP addresses, which means applying economic pressure. Why they chose a different method of pressure, I don't know.
Moreover, Durov's statements about refusing any form of cooperation are all PR, public relations. In 2018 or 2019, Telegram suddenly changed its user agreement rules, stating that it could provide information about users' phone numbers and IP addresses. Journalists later found out about this and sent inquiries to Telegram. No one responded.