The Baltic SentinelEstonian Top Diplomat: NATO SecGen Mark Rutte Assured Us He Was Misunderstood on Normalizing Relations with Russia
The Baltic SentinelBaltic States and Poland Withdraw from Ottawa Treaty on Anti-Personnel Mines, Finland Still Considering
The Baltic SentinelEUROPE'S GREATEST OPEN WAR SECRET ⟩ AI-Powered Military Applications Are Giving Russia and China a Technological Edge That Only Ukraine Can Match
IntelligenceRussian Spies in Latvia Are Attracted to Everything from Train Routes to Soldiers' Underwear
IntelligenceEstonian Military Intelligence Chief: Current Threat to NATO Is Low, but Russian Military Reforms Are Underway and Western Armies Lack Experience
The Baltic SentinelCHILLING FINNISH WAR FICTION ⟩ "Conflict" by Aku Louhimies Brings the Crimean Occupation Scenario to the Heart of the Scandinavian Idyll
The Baltic SentinelFinnish Researcher: The Baltics and Nordic Nations Should Discuss Acquiring Their Own Nuclear Deterrent with Poland
Defense ExpenditureAll Three Baltic States Signal Intention to Increase Defense Spending to Up to 5% of GDP
The Baltic SentinelNorwegian Foreign Minister Urges Europe to Step Up on Defense While His Country Falls Behind Its Scandinavian Neighbors Both in Ukraine Aid and Military Spending
NATOAUTOMATED ATTRITION ⟩ Valerii Zaluzhnyi: The Future of Warfare Is Here, and NATO Is Falling Behind
Defense ExpenditurePoland and Lithuania Lead Baltic Sea Region Defense Spending in 2025, Followed by Latvia and Estonia
The Baltic SentinelProfessor Göran Larsson: The Roots of Gang Violence in Sweden Run Deeper Than Immigration
The Baltic SentinelINTERVIEW WITH KAJA KALLAS ⟩ "J.D. Vance Likely Addressed U.S. Domestic Audience in Munich; Trump Administration's Public Statements Don’t Fully Align with Our Private Talks"
Hybrid WarRussian Military Intelligence Linked to Sabotage Attack on Estonian Interior Minister's Vehicle
The Baltic SentinelMany Russians Convince Themselves They Live in a Normal Country, Says Former BBC Top Correspondent Bridget Kendall
Top BrassCONFLICT ON THE BALTIC SEA ⟩ Finland Made Maritime History by Seizing Cable-Sabotaging Tanker on Boxing Day
Hybrid WarA TEXT FROM TEHERAN ⟩ Sweden Identified Iran's Involvement Behind Information Attacks Linked to Quran Burnings
Hybrid WarFROM SABOTAGE TO SUBTERFUGE ⟩ China’s Mock Report Presented to Estonian Authorities Clouds the Balticconnector Incident Investigation
AnalysisHYBRID ALLIANCE ⟩ Norwegian and Irish Fishermen Successfully Challenged Russia’s Military Moves in High North
Hybrid WarTESTIMONY OF A CLERGYMAN ⟩ How Moscow's Once Astute Patriarch Kirill Became the Ideological Architect of the "Russian World"
The Baltic SentinelTHE INVISIBLE BATTLE ⟩ Estonian Authorities Take Action Against Moscow's Orthodox Church in Estonia for Being a Tool of the 'Russian World'
War in UkraineGERMANS ON THE BATTLE LINE ⟩ At Least Eight German Volunteer Fighters Reported to Have Fallen in Ukraine's War of Independence Since February 2022
The Baltic SentinelLithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis Urges Incoming Government to Deliberate Deployment of Soldiers to Ukraine
VeteransCHALLENGING THE VETERAN VICTIM NARRATIVE ⟩ Series of Swedish Studies Suggest Veterans Are More Resilient Than Expected
The Baltic SentinelWAR IN RUSSIA ⟩ Photo Report from the City of Sudzha Captured by the Ukrainian Army in the Kursk Region
Hybrid WarINTERVIEW WITH FORMER TELEGRAM OPERATIVE ⟩ Anton Rosenberg Claims Pavel Durov Took Money From the Same Russian Oligarch He Criticized
Hybrid WarCHINA'S INFLUENCE IN THE BALTICS ⟩ Vice Speaker of Estonian Parliament Is An Avid Advocate for Beijing's Political Agenda
Reserve ArmiesINTERVIEW WITH A MILITARY UNION LEADER ⟩ Elina Riutta Says Finnish Conscripts Are Accustomed to Having Their Needs Represented in Political Discourse
The Baltic SentinelDIPLOMACY AND THE POWER OF SENTIMENT ⟩ Sven Mikser: Estonia's Recent Pro-Palestine UN Vote Does Not Signal Hostility Toward Israel
CourageGRIM TRUTH OF WAR ⟩ Fallen Estonian Volunteer Hero Yet to Be Recovered from Ukrainian Battlefield
Hybrid WarSOPHISTICATED CONFERENCE SCAM ⟩ Former Russian-Speaking Drug Offender Behind Defense Industry Fair in Tallinn
The Baltic SentinelMONUMENTAL TRANSITION IN D.C. ⟩ JJ Green: EU and NATO Remain Vital to U.S. Interests, Especially in Countering Threats From China
The Baltic SentinelSwedish Armed Forces Are Concerned About the Impact of Wind Farms on Defense Radar Systems
War in UkraineBERLIN'S CRISIS OF DIRECTION ⟩ Bundestag Member Explains Why the Spirit of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Still Looms in Germany
NATOCRISIS IN THE SKY ⟩ Latvian Authorities' Delayed Public Response and NATO's Perceived Passive Handling of Russian Attack Drone Crash Sparks Public Scrutiny in Latvia
NATOCRITICAL SKY PATCH ⟩ NATO Tightens Baltic Air Policing After September 7 Russian Shahed Attack Drone Crash in Latvia
War in Ukraine900 DAYS OF ATROCITIES ⟩ Prominent Ukrainian Historian Says Ukraine Is Being Nudged Toward a Ceasefire Scenario
The Baltic SentinelOTTAWA CONVENTION DEBATE ⟩ U.S. Initiative Brings Landmine Issue Back to Focus in Estonia
Hybrid WarGLOBAL HAWK INCIDENT ⟩ Russia Interfered With the Operation of a US Surveillance Drone in Estonian Airspace
War in UkraineSILENCED SUPPORT ⟩ Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Says Her F-16 Donation Proposal Was Blocked Two Years Ago
Top BrassRAIMUNDAS THE FIRST ⟩ New Lithuanian Defense Chief Maintains and Values Contacts with Lithuanian Volunteer Fighters in Ukraine
Defense IndustryECHOES OF UKRAINIAN MILITARY INNOVATION ⟩ Lithuania Equips All Military Units with FPV Drones and Starts Producing Naval Unmanned Vehicles
PoliceTECH-ENHANCED COPS ⟩ Police Technology Now Resembles What Was Recently Portrayed as Futuristic in Sci-Fi Blockbusters
Reserve ArmiesRESEARCH-BASED CONSCRIPTION ⟩ How Two Insightful Women Are Reshaping Estonia's Military Service with Behavioral Science
War in UkraineSCANDINAVIAN VALOR ⟩ Eight Swedish Citizens Have Fallen in Ukraine Since February 2022 As Confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
NATOBeyond the Festivities: ⟩ What the NATO Washington Summit Delivered for UkraineINTERVIEW WITH BEN HODGES
Defense IndustryMUTUAL GAINS FORGE STRONGER TIES ⟩ Lithuania Weighs Investment in Ukraine's Artillery and Drone Industry
Reserve ArmiesFROM SELFIES TO SOLDIERING ⟩ How Nordic and Baltic Countries Turn Instagrammers Into Infantry
War in UkraineENDURING AMMUNITION DEFICIT ⟩ Ukrainian General Urges Allies to Donate Ammo Production Lines
War in UkraineTHE KURSK CONUNDRUM ⟩ "Ukraine Couldn't Wait and Continue Playing by Moscow's Rules," Says Analyst Mykola Bielieskov
Defense IndustrySTARTUPS & DINOSAURS ⟩ Bolt CEO Markus Villig on How Small Players Can Revitalize the Stagnant Western Defense Industry Arena
EditorialNARRATIVE WARFARE ⟩ Kursk Incursion Highlights NATO's Overlooked Doctrine of Narrative-Led Operations
NATONATO'S MISGUIDED AIR DEFENSE DEBATE ⟩ Previous Air Defense Engagements of Allies Support Radoslaw Sikorski's Stance on Defending Poland in Ukrainian Airspace
Hybrid WarBORDER BUSTS ⟩ Estonia Enforces New Border Measures for Russia Trips to Combat Doubling of Smuggling Attempts
War in UkraineAN UNLIKELY COMMANDER ⟩ How A Sketchy Small-Time Businessman Rose from Sumy's Shadows to Become a Frontline Legend
Hybrid WarVERDICT OF A 'VATNIK HUNTER' ⟩ "Western Policymakers Don’t Understand the Scale of the Disinformation Problem"
Hybrid WarNATO'S FIRST FATALITY ASCRIBED ⟩ Authorities Identify Suspect in May Killing of Polish Soldier
The Baltic SentinelFEAR, SMOKE, AND MIRRORS ⟩ Why Did Putin Decide to Kneel at Beslan Several Weeks Before the 20th Anniversary of the Tragedy?
War in UkraineSTEPPING INTO A NEW ERA ⟩ Interview: Sylvie Kauffmann Discusses the Complex Political Landscape Awaiting Kaja Kallas
Hybrid WarPERIL OF SELF-SABOTAGE ⟩ Swedish Car Plate Production May Shift to German Firm Linked to Sanctioned Russian Official
The Baltic SentinelDUBIOUS CONNECTIONS ⟩ European Commissioner Nominee Illegally Traveled to Crimea in 2021
NATOCLUSTER MUNITION BAN LIFTED ⟩ Lithuania Aligns with NATO Neighbors Who Have Not Joined the Oslo Convention
Hybrid WarNATO-RUSSIA BORDER TENSIONS ⟩ "Firefight Between Estonian and Russian Border Guards on Narva River Would Serve Russia's Interests", Top Official Says
Hybrid WarBLITZ-STREAM ⟩ German Prosecutor Seeks Arrest of 'Volodymyr Z.' in Nord Stream Sabotage Case
Top BrassSTRATEGIC OUTBRIEF ⟩ Former Polish Defense Chief Advocates for Proactive Self-Defense in the Baltic Region
HistoryA TALE OF A TREMBLING TERRORIST ⟩ Kremlin's Propaganda Led Gunman to Attack Estonia's Defense Ministry, Recent Report Finds
War in UkraineBALTIC COURAGE UNDER FIRE ⟩ Estonian and Latvian Volunteer Soldiers Who Fought in the 2022 Liberation of Kharkiv Two Years Ago Continue to Serve in Ukrainian Ranks
War in UkraineINNOVATION BORN OF GRIEF ⟩ Fallen Estonian Fighter in Ukraine Inspires Creation of Drone-Dwarfing 'Sandwich'
Defense IndustryBUREAUCRACY STALLS DEFENSE ⟩ Opening Ammunition Factory Takes Far Too Long in Estonia
Top BrassNO FEAR IN FINLAND ⟩ "Reserve Army Is the Only Viable Way to Win a War with Russia": Insight into Finland's Military Future with Lieutenant General Mikko Heiskanen
Hybrid WarWAR BY ABDUCTION ⟩ Belarus Kidnaps Lithuanian Citizen; German Man Faces Death Penalty in Minsk
NATOCUTTING RED TAPE ⟩ Lithuania Makes Unusual Concessions to Expedite Rheinmetall Ammo Factory Launch
HistoryBEHIND THE BATTLE LINES ⟩ Interview with Sir Lawrence Freedman on the Evolving Role of Military Command
NATOFACING NATO'S NUCLEAR REALITY ⟩ Interview with Fabian Hoffmann on Missile Intensity of the War in Ukraine and the Lessons the West Should Learn from It
NATOWASHINGTON SUMMIT ENDS PEACE ILLUSIONS ⟩ "NATO leaders now recognize that the era of peace is over."
War in UkraineINSIDE WAR BLOGGING ⟩ The Highs and Lows of Artur Rehi's Digital CrusadeESTONIAN YOUTUBE BEHEMOTH
NATONATO DEFENSE PLANS IN ACTION ⟩ Baltic States and Poland Fortify Borders to Execute Alliance's New Deterrence by Denial Concept
Hybrid WarHYBRID DEFENSE ON STEROIDS ⟩ Estonia's New Government Decides to Militarize Border Guard in Response to Recent Russian Harassment