Lithuanian Prime Minister Gintautas Paluckas urges people to look past the harsh rhetoric of the Polish presidential campaign and the noise coming from the U.S. administration’s social media.
Interviewer: You said after recent meeting with the Estonian Prime Minister that Lithuania’s defense spending could reach up to six percent of GDP. Is there a point where the burden becomes too much for Lithuanian society?
Gintautas Paluckas: We have a broad national consensus to do whatever it takes to defend our independence.
According to our national defense plan, spending 5 to 6 percent of GDP ensures an adequate level of deterrence against aggression from Russia, Belarus, or elsewhere. We're planning defense investments at a level that matches the threats we face.
Of course, we rely on our neighbors as well. Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Finland are doing their part, and through our national defense strategies, we are collectively reinforcing NATO.
Interviewer: Could Lithuania’s defense spending rise to as high as 10 percent of GDP?
Gintautas Paluckas: I truly hope we never get to that point. But if something terrible happens, no one will be counting percentages of GDP. We will do whatever is necessary.
Interviewer: Does Vilnius support an independent Nordic-Baltic nuclear deterrent? Your neighbor Poland has been talking about its own nuclear weapons.
Gintautas Paluckas: Poland is in the middle of a presidential campaign, which means tough language is being used to score political points. It’s part of the game.